Advocacy Alert - Tort Reform
On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee gave a do-pass recommendation to SB 68, the Governor's civil practice revision package.
Part of Governor Brian Kemp’s legal reform package, SB 68 contains several critical civil practice reforms:
• Prevents jury “anchoring” for noneconomic damages (section 1)
• Adjusts timing of motions to dismiss, mirroring federal rules to streamline litigation (section 2)
• Eliminates the plaintiff's ability to dismiss a case mid-trial (section 3)
• Eliminates double recovery of attorneys’ fees (section 4)
• Restricts contract-based attorney fee recovery (section 5)
• Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt in auto injury cases (section 6)
• Clarifying negligent security claims in premises liability (section 7)
• Eliminates “phantom damages” in medical billing (section 8)
• Allows bifurcated trials (section 9)
Georgia residents and business owners impacted by the current litigation environment are encouraged to show their support by contacting their legislators via